Jan 22, 2021

Rochester, MN is a town full of fun and history. No matter your age or level of activity, you will find a great way to spend the day in this lovely city.

Mayowood Mansion

Take a guided tour of this historical mansion with its vast grounds and 38 rooms. This is the former home of Charles H. Mayo, the doctor who co-founded Mayo Clinic. The clinic now owns the property and the mansion.

Quarry Hill Nature Center

This nature center features an educational area where guests can learn about native animals and vegetation as well as walking trails and special events throughout the year. The center offers classes for children and special wildlife viewing opportunities.

The Plummer Building

The Plummer Building is a piece of iconic architecture designed by Dr. Henry S. Plummer and built in 1928. It once served as a medical building that was part of Mayo Clinic. The fascinating architecture and materials from around the world are still stunning to visitors today.

Soldiers Field Veterans Memorial

This is an area designed to honor United States veterans who served in all wars. A wall of remembrance lists the names of veterans from Southeast Minnesota who died while serving their country. A tree-lined walkway invites people to quietly contemplate those who gave their lives in the name of freedom for all.

Douglas Trail

The Douglas State Trail is an easy hike for people of all fitness levels. It follows the trail created by the abandoned railway corridor of the Chicago Great Westen Railway. The full trail is 12.5 miles long and is enjoyed by horseback riders, cyclists, and skaters as well as people on foot.

Salem Glen Vineyard and Winery

This lovely vineyard offers tours of the beautiful property giving guests a glimpse into the process of growing grapes and making wine. Guests are also invited to taste the wine made on location and buy their own bottles as souvenirs or gifts. If you are going to participate in a wine tasting, please be sure to have a designated driver along.

Minnesota Children’s Museum

Families with young children will not want to miss the children’s museum where kids can have fun while learning about science, imagination, and the exciting world around them.

Rochester Downtown Farmers Market

Discover the joy of the downtown farmers market.  Buy a variety of vegetables and plants locally grown, or try some treats from area chefs. Peruse gifts made only in Minnesota and enjoy the home-town feeling of the marketplace.

Silver Lake

It may be called a lake, but it’s actually a freshwater reservoir in Rochester. The property includes playgrounds and places to play sports as well as hiking trails and areas for swimming.

You have many choices when it comes to spending a day in Rochester, MN and it will take more than a few days to see it all. You’ll have fun exploring this great town with its friendly citizens and unique businesses. For your trip around Rochester, be sure to shop for the right transportation at Rochester Toyota.